Aggressive or fearful of other dogs?
Is your dog nervous of other dogs? Is your dog barking and lunging at other dogs on walks? Are you frustrated? Tired? Worried? Or just fed up?

We can help
You'd love to one day be able to walk where there are other dogs and your dog will stay with you, unfazed by what's going on around them. Where you feel confident, relaxed and proud of how your dog behaves.​
We’ll create a plan of how you can change your dog’s behaviour and then work through it with you and your dog. You’ll see the progress during our sessions, which you can then put into practice when we're not there.
You’ll know what to do and when, and you’ll see the improvement in your dog’s behaviour. We’ll support you throughout that process with advice, feedback and additional sessions if needed. It’s so fulfilling for us to see owners and dogs turn into the happiest partners.

Woof Matters is perfect for you if….
You dream of being able to enjoy the outdoors with your dog in the same places as other dogs.
You appreciate there are no quick fixes. You’ll see an improvement in behaviour from the first session but it takes time and effort from both of you for that new behaviour to become the norm for your dog.
You want support and understanding, both from an expert and other people with similar problems to you.
You want to build a positive relationship with your dog while addressing the problems you have.
You like to have a plan broken down into smaller steps and track your progress as you go.